
PORT ANGELES – The city of Port Angeles is a step closer to giving tax breaks to developers of multi-family housing.

This week the council held a first hearing on the proposed ordinance that would waive property taxes for those that develop such housing.

The council also voted that the program would be available city wide. There had been thoughts to limit the incentive to properties within certain areas of the city.

Mayor Sissi Bruch thinks the city’s zoning codes will dictate where multi-family housing will locate. She says making it a city-wide incentive will make it more attractive…

The proposal, which would waive the city’s property taxes for multiple years depending on the type of housing, is a response to developing more affordable housing. A city housing task force noted a lack of multi-family housing units as one of the reasons there are too few rentals.

Bruch says the housing crunch has an affect on other issues facing the city…

The council will hold a second hearing on the proposed ordinance February 5th and could approve it at that time.

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