
PORT ANGELES – Clallam County is taking steps to that could curb overnight camping at two rest stops it operates.

Increasing concerns with vandalism and other criminal activities partly prompted the call for the new ordinance.

Because the rest areas are county-owned, the state laws governing use of other highway rest areas do not apply. The new ordinance mirrors state regulations.

Chief criminal deputy Brian King told county commissioners in a work session this week deputies are struggling with how to enforce a public and health safety issue that is emerging.

“We’re consistently addressing quality-of-life issues particularly for the neighbors to the Deer Park rest area. We encounter lots of needles, abandoned vehicles, and since COVID; camping and we have no way to enforce and try to mitigate the problems that we’re seeing right now.”

If approved, use at the rest stops would be limited to eight hours in any 24-hour period. A violation could be a misdemeanor.

County commissioners plans a public hearing May 19th on the proposal.

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