
PORT ANGELES – The City of Port Angeles declared a Stage II Water Shortage Monday due to low flows in the Elwha River.

Stage II calls for immediate voluntary reductions in water consumption are encouraged.  Voluntary conservation actions they recommend include:

  • Installing low-flow shower heads and faucets in your home. You can get them for free at City Hall. Just ask.
  • They’re also asking that we cut back on car washes at this time, and on watering our lawns and gardens, in terms of frequency and volume of water. To get the most out of the watering you do, limit it to early morning or evenings.
  • Keep in mind the City offers rebates for installing water-efficient toilets, rain barrels, watering timers, and soil moisture meters.
  • You can also conserve water by operating automatic dishwashers and clothes washers only when they’re full.

If you would like information on water conservation, please call 417-4715, or you may visit the City’s water conservation web page at