
PORT ANGELES – Clallam County Commissioners will take the next two months to develop a town hall meeting before deciding what comes next for possible new regulations on uses at Lake Sutherland.

Lake Sutherland use has become a hot topic after commissioners received numerous complaints about boats making large wakes, potentially damaging property and creating unsafe conditions.

Other lake users countered the problem isn’t as bad and new regulations are not necessary.

In a work session this week, commissioners decided it would be best to put together a virtual meeting with representatives from all sides of the issue. That virtual town hall may also feature a panel.

Commissioners hope the issue can be resolved outside of new, county commissioner action. Commissioner Randy Johnson.

“It’d be a lot easier and better in my mind with those people that have their own vested thoughts about each of the attributes. They may be promoting sitting down and seeing if they can’t work it out together before it ever has to come back to the County Commissioners. In my personal opinion, we’re not the best ones to be working through that position. It’s much better to have them, all the individuals involved out at Sutherland to sit down and see if they can’t work it out.”

Commissioners say they will also spend the next two months developing the best technology to accommodate the virtual town hall.