
PORT ANGELES – It’s almost time for the 4th annual Big Spring Spruce up in downtown Port Angeles.

The Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce is inviting individuals, families, service groups, and people of all ages to join in on this year’s community cleanup in the Waterfront District downtown  to help with pulling weeds, collecting trash, power washing, and lots of other tasks to beautify the area.

The cleanup begins at 9:00am Saturday, May 4th, but you can come earlier for coffee and donuts, and lunch is served at noon.

The Chamber asks that you please RSVP (here), especially if you’re coming with a group. But even if you can’t come for the entire time, show up before noon and they’ll have a job for you.

Spruce Up Central is at the skating rink parking lot, 121 W. Front Street. The work starts at 9:00am.

RSVP Here!